Equine Veterinary & Dental Services
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Listed in Referral Services
- 02 6642 4700
- Contact: Dr. Oliver Liyou
- Email: vets@evds.net.au
- https://www.evds.vet/
- North Coast NSW
Equine Veterinary and Dental Services (EVDS) is: An equine-only veterinary practice which caters for preventative and elective procedures — such as dentistry, stud work, lamenesses, foot problems, skin disease, eyes, branding.
Located on a 60 acre property at South Grafton on the North Coast of NSW. Two vets attend to client cases throughout our servicing area. We are also the leading training centre in Australia for equine vets wanting to learn and master equine dentistry.
The objectives of EVDS are to:
- Maintain the highest possible standards by focusing on only one species — the horse.
- Provide first class comprehensive equine veterinary services and training.
- Continue our passion to help to promote and teach equine dentistry to other professionals around Australia and the world – in order to aim for greater welfare in the horse.
- Conduct more first class equine dentistry seminars & workshops for Veterinarians.
Get in touch today!
Equine Veterinary & Dental Services EVDS
160 Old Lilypool Rd, South Grafton NSW 2460
Tel: 02 6642 4700
Email: vets@evds.net.au
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