
iM3 introduces ACE – The Advanced Centre for Education

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This state-of-the-art facility was built to promote engaging education.

Specifically designed for teaching & advancing veterinary dentistry.

The iM3 Advanced Centre for Education (ACE) strives to help veterinarians and nurses become highly skilled and component in the practice of veterinary dentistry.

Introduction to vital pulp therapy (Friday 24th February 2023) @ iM3

Drs Anthony Caiafa and Kayoko Kuroda

Course outline
This workshop will offer participants, detailed knowledge of the dental materials and the procedural steps involved in performing vital pulp therapy (VPT) in a general practice setting.

The workshop will consist of a lecture and wetlab. Participants will be able to perform the VPT procedure on extracted canine teeth, as well as radiographically monitor each step of the procedure. Tutors will be available to give one-on-one assistance during the wetlab component of the workshop.

Learning outcomes for vital pulp therapy (VPT) workshop

  • Determine the indications/contraindications for performing VPT in dogs and cats
  • Understand the functions of the pulp and its response to injury
  • Have knowledge of the dental materials used for VPT
  • Understand the steps involved in performing a successful VPT procedure
  • Develop and implement review protocols to monitor the success of the VPT procedure
  • Have knowledge in the discipline of restorative dentistry and the placement of tooth-coloured restorations

Introduction to root canal therapy (PM Friday 24th/25th February 2023)

Course outline
This course is designed to offer veterinarians, at an introductory level, an understanding of the discipline of endodontics, and to allow them to offer clients, an alternative to tooth extraction.

Follow up courses and training is highly recommended after this introductory course


Course objectives

  • What is the discipline of endodontics?
  • Describe the use of visual, tactile, and radiographic tests required to obtain a diagnosis of pulpal disease
  • Understand the use of rubber dam and other isolation techniques for root canal therapy
  • Understand the types of endodontic hand files and their limitations
  • Understand filing techniques, including the use of rotary (mechanical) files
  • Explain the importance of removing bacteria and residual canal debris
  • Understand the 3-dimensional filling (obturation) of the root canal system
  • Understand the importance of the final restoration to seal the root canal system from bacterial ingress


If you have any interest in attending a lab in 2023, please contact iM3.

Phone: 02 9420 5766 | Email: |

05/01/2023 |
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